
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Do Seek Their Meat from God

  The world is very cruel because only those, no matter you are humans or animals, which are strong and sharp, can stay for survival. In the animal world, you will only see a lion eating a deer for food. Since lion is the king of the jungle, no animal is stronger than it. Therefore, the weak one can only be sacrificed. In our human world, the situation is exactly same. Smart and hard-working students are able to kick out those who are stupid and lazy students to be accepted by universities. In the story “Do Seek Their Meat from God”, the child is weaker than the panthers. It is why the child can be the food of the panthers. In addition, the panthers are weaker than the settler. Therefore, the settler is strong, smart, and skillful enough to kill two panthers. After reading this story, I realize that being strong is so important in order to survive in the world.